1394 sokak No: 11 Sağlık Merkezi Apartmanı. Kat: 4 Daire: 10 Alsancak - İzmir
How does stomach cancer occur?
Normally, cell regeneration occurs in an orderly manner. However, in some cases, a cell may start to grow and multiply abnormally and rapidly. This leads to the formation of a mass called a TUMOR. Sometimes, after reaching a certain size, the mass stops growing and multiplying, and these are known as benign tumors. Other times, growth and multiplication continue uncontrollably; this group is generally known as cancer. If a cancerous cell originates from a cell in the stomach, it results in stomach cancer.
What are the symptoms of stomach cancer?
Unfortunately, 80% of them develop silently and without symptoms for a long time, that is, insidiously. Most of the time, it is caught in the early period without any symptoms, thanks to the control examinations. Sometimes it can cause ulcer or gastritis-like complaints. Complaints such as early satiety, nausea, vomiting, anorexia, weight loss, anemia, abdominal pain, bleeding (hidden or overt) or a feeling of being stuck while swallowing usually occur when the tumor reaches a certain size.
Is stomach cancer a common disease in our country?
In Turkey, the Ministry of Health announces stomach cancer statistics at certain periods. According to the latest data, its incidence is 5th in men and 7th in women among all cancers.
Who are more at risk for stomach cancer?
First and second degree relatives in their family, especially those who have a history of stomach cancer (genetic factors) when they are under the age of 50, some occupational groups (mining, textile, metal industry, paint, chemical, rubber, petroleum industry workers), a portion of their stomach has previously been removed Those with cellular changes such as polyps in their stomach, intestinal metaplasia, atrophic gastritis, and obese people are at higher risk.
Does diet play an important role in protecting against stomach cancer?
- Some studies have shown that there is a significant relationship between consuming high amounts of vegetables and fruits and preventing stomach cancer.
- The Mediterranean diet, which is high in vegetables and fruits and low in red meat and processed meat, is important for maintaining stomach health.
- Overly salty foods (pickles, soy sauce, salted fish, etc.) and especially ready-made foods with a lot of nitrite additives should be avoided, and instead, vegetable and fruit consumption should be increased.
- Interestingly, dietary fiber can help neutralize nitrites, which are cancer-causing and have carcinogenic effects. 10 grams of dietary fiber per day (the amount you can find in two pears) has been found to be quite beneficial for stomach health.
- Citrus fruits such as orange, tangerine, lemon and grapefruit have been found to be beneficial for stomach health due to their high flavonoid content. However, grapefruit can cause changes in drug absorption if taken with certain medications. For this reason, you can consult your own doctor about grapefruit if you are taking important medications.
- High consumption of red meat and processed meat, smoked meat and charred meat has been associated with an increased risk of stomach cancer. Processed meats usually contain nitrite compounds that can form carcinogenic compounds in the body. Therefore, it would be beneficial to reduce your red meat consumption, especially avoid processed meats that contain nitrites, and instead turn to other protein sources such as eggs, chicken, fish, seafood, and legumes.
How is the diagnosis made?
The best diagnosis method is endoscopic examination. In this way, the entire inner surface of the stomach can be imaged and also biopsy can be taken from suspicious areas. Apart from these, methods such as gastric film, endoscopic ultrasound or computed tomography can also be used.
What is done in the treatment?
The primary treatment of stomach cancer is surgery. A part or all of the stomach is removed by surgical intervention. Removal of all or part of the stomach is related to the location of the stomach cancer. During the operation, the lymph nodes adjacent to the stomach are also removed and sent to the pathology laboratory for microscopic examination. When the whole stomach is removed, the starting part of the esophagus and the small intestine are stitched together to ensure continuity in the digestive system. In this case, changes will occur in the person's eating habits and frequency for a while. However, over time, the body will adapt to this situation. After the surgery, additional treatments such as radiotherapy and chemotherapy can be applied in some cases.
Is there a laparoscopic surgery option in stomach cancer?
Laparoscopic surgery can be performed in stomach cancer, especially in early stage patients. Since this surgery is performed with the help of 1 centimeter small incisions on the abdomen and with the help of a camera, it is much more comfortable for patients. Post-operative patients have less pain and recovery time is shorter.
How is the follow-up done after the treatment is over?
These patients are checked at regular intervals. Some examinations are repeated in the first two years, every 3 - 6 months, and once a year in the following period.
What can be done to prevent stomach cancer?
Of course, if there is a genetic tendency towards the disease, it is not possible to prevent it. However, the disease is not just about genetic predisposition. Therefore, it should be avoided from meats cooked at high temperatures, excessively salty foods (pickles, soy sauce, salted fish, etc.) and especially ready-to-eat foods containing many nitrate additives, instead, consumption of vegetables and fruits should be increased.
Are all stomach cancers the same?
Cancers show different characteristics in terms of many features. For this reason, the course of the disease also varies in the period before and after the operation. However, in order to understand these features and the stage of the disease, the stomach and lymph nodes removed during surgery should be examined in the pathology laboratory.
What are the nutritional problems and solutions that occur after stomach cancer surgery?
The main problems that can occur especially in cases where the entire stomach is removed are; inadequate nutrition, feeling of fullness after meals, impaired digestion of fats, lactose intolerance and cramps in the abdominal area that develop as a result, weakness, facial flushing, dizziness, diarrhea, sweating, and weight loss.
We can list the precautions that can be taken for these situations as follows:
• Try to eat slowly and chew your food thoroughly. During the initial period after surgery, it is helpful to keep portions small. However, especially when the entire stomach is removed, one may feel full quickly. In this case, continuing to eat by returning to the table half an hour later can be beneficial to prevent weight loss.
• Eat small and frequent meals. Increase the number of meals to 6-8 per day.
• Wake up early in the morning for breakfast. This allows enough time to include snacks between breakfast and lunch and between lunch and dinner.
• Although soups may seem like a good option for eating and digestion in the first days, avoid them as main meals. Due to their low-calorie content, soups alone cannot provide adequate nutrition.
• In general, prefer foods high in calories and protein, such as soft meatballs, fish, yogurt, cheese, and butter. You can also include vegetable dishes with minced meat in your diet. Make sure to eat at least one egg every day, as it has a high protein content.
• Gradually introduce a variety of foods into your diet. Fruits, vegetables, and whole grains are important for a balanced diet.
• If you have a low tolerance for fatty foods, gradually increase their amount.
• For snacks, you can have nuts, walnuts, and fruits such as bananas.
• Avoid eating sweets on an empty stomach. For example, do not consume a spoonful of honey right after waking up without eating anything else, as the glucose in honey will raise your blood sugar rapidly.
• Avoid raw vegetables (lettuce, cucumber, arugula, tomatoes, etc.) during the first month after surgery, as their cellulose content makes them hard to digest. Additionally, they are low in calories.
• Avoid drinking large amounts of liquids during meals, as they can temporarily decrease your appetite.
• In some cases, your doctor may recommend dietary supplements to increase calorie intake, especially to compensate for calorie losses due to nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea during chemotherapy or radiotherapy.
• In surgeries where the entire stomach is removed, the sphincter between the esophagus and the stomach is also removed, which may lead to reflux as food can rise back up during sleep. Therefore, it is advisable to stop eating and drinking two hours before bedtime. Additionally, slightly elevating the head of the bed can provide further relief.